Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dope is on the Way!

A recent flurry of inactivity might possibly end sometime soon. As a recap, this happened:

Turns out I had a class III sprain on all of the major ankle tendons. Recommended!

Which left me doing lots of this:

And very little of this:

But, I did a 2 hr bike ride at Ft. Ord yesterday with some MORCAN's and the cankle doth not protest. My friend Sand has taken over that area and his main man Poison Oak is doing well. My favorite section has been closed for improvements (housing), it appears The Man is also doing well.


reverend dick said...

Was I ever excited to see the title on this one.

But the content was not what I expected, and it left me cold, able to think in an organized way and sober as a judge(head). I can now only assume you are referring to some sort of advanced training system whereby you will dominate the Peninsular cycling scene through the use of modern science's injectables.

Erik said...

This weekend I'm going to go back into my photo library and paste flames onto all of my biking pics.

Lord Hayden said...

I have no idea what you are talking about